Monday, January 11, 2021



 STAR WARS: Alphabet Squadron (Book 1)
Alexander Freed
Del Rey / Disney
416 Pages
June 2019
Fantasy / Scifi

For starters, this book, the first in the Alphabet Squadron series is crossover with the Marvel comic, TIE FIGHTER. In the hardcover edition, the center of the book contains several full-color comic book pages (with amazing illustrations by Roge Antonio). 

I am a huge fan of Alexander Freed. Was first introduced to his writing when I devoured the Star Wars novel, BATTLEFRONT: Twilight Company. So, when I learned he was doing a new series with a whole new cast of characters, I was super-psyched.

Alphabet Squadron does not disappoint! The Empire lost at the battle on Endor. The Death Star has been destroyed. The Emperor is dead. But those loyal to the Empire have not surrendered! Hera Syndulla is putting together a team. Caern Adan is spearheading the campaign. 

The goal is to assemble a team of pilots who can outmaneuver, and destroy the Empire's elite 204th TIE Squadron. The ruthless leader, Colonel Shakara Nuress, of the Starship Destroyer Pursuer dispatches what has become commonly known as Shadow Wing.

The Shadow Wing are known for heartless runs against often defenseless separatists, but also for engaging in battles --and winning them-- against the Rebel Alliance. They are a talented pool of pilots with the seemingly only agenda of decimating their enemy.

Alphabet Squadron is led by Empire defector, Yrica Quill. She flies an X-Wing. The remaining four on the squad are Karios, who wears a face covering helmet, and talks very little (and smells of iron and spice), flies a U-Wing. Wyl Lark, an A-Wing, Nath Tensent (Y-Wing) -- his entire squad was killed by the Shadow Wing. He was the lone survivor. And last, but absolutely not least, is Chass na Chadic (B-Wing).

Quill, partially charged with getting the squad prepared for battle, must also help Adan with figuring out where the 204th are in hiding. Tracking them down in the reaches of the galaxy is an issue. Beating them in a space dog fight is a near impossibility.

The book is explosive with action, wrought with character tension, and nail-bitingly intense as the stories of each of the members of the Alphabet Squadron come into play! Freed has started an amazing series. I love the time frame -- Just after Episode VI. There is a lot of name dropping, mentioning of the Rebel Alliance heroes and legends, such as Jyn Erso from Rogue One (novelization by Alexander Freed).

I hear constant complaints about the newer Star Wars movies, but you know what I rarely hear? Complaints about the books that stem from the universe. If you haven't read Alexander Freed before, Alphabet Squadron might be the perfect place to begin! Or Rogue One. Or Twilight Company . . .

Phillip Tomasso
Author of the scifi horror novel ABSOLUTE ZERO

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