Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Book Review; STAR WARS: SHADOW FALL (Book 2), Alexander Freed


Alexander Freed
Del Rey / Disney
June 2020
416 Pages
Scifi / Fantasy

The series starts with Alphabet Squadron, where we meet a team of assembled rebel pilots with the purpose locating, and destroying the Imperial TIE fighter squad known as Shadow Wing. Shadow Fall picks up where Alphabet Squadron left off. (To recap the characters, and review of Alphabet Squadron, see my earlier review).

A quick recap: This is shortly after the battle on Endor. General Hera Syndulla and Caern Adan put together a team of five pilots. Imperial defector Yrica Quell is posted as the point person for the squadron. Her cohorts are Nath, Wyl, Chass, and Kairos. While the first mission for an attack was ruled a victory, two things must be noted. They didn't destroy the Shadow Wing, and they nearly blew up an entire planet. Hardly a victory.

Regrouped, and ready for a new attempt, a plan is forged. An out of the way planet loyal to the Imperials (because their planet is on a trajectory course with an all-consuming black hole, and Palpatine promised the world support before his death). Alphabet Squadron believes they can overtake the scarred planet, making a big enough fuss, to attrack the Shadow Wing. 

It sounds like a simple enough plan. However, nothing ever goes as planned. Instead, a quick coup becomes a viscous battle for survival!

In this second installment we get more deep and personal with all of the members of the cast. The insight is often disturbing, and troubling. We get to see how each member got to where they are. We also meet some new people. (With a slight flavor from Freed's Battlefront) We are introduced to the ground troops for the New Republic. And, eventually, the squadron and the ground troops get the chance to fight more side-by-side rather than by air and land.

I struggle with the shifting of one character between books. Soran Keize is mentioned a lot in the first book. He was Quell's Imperial superior--he was the one who insisted she flee after the destruction ofa planet because he knew she did not have the stomach to carry on. He also indicated he was going to flee. As he creates a new identity for himself in book one, all indicators point toward a better fit with the New Republic, and not the Empire. However, the character does a complete 180. And while some of the reasoning is explained, it didn't sit right with me.

Aside from that -- we have some personification of droids that is spectacular. Especially the relationship between Nath and his T5 unit, and Quell with Adan's IT-O torturer droid turned psychologist. But Nath and the T5 are reminiscent of Skywalker with his R2 when in the cockpit during a space dogfight against enemy TIEs.

To say a lot happens is so vague and unworthy of a review, but to get into it would clearly spoil the surprises that Freed has unfold in the tale. There are peaceful cults, angry characters, back stabbing allies, and the unexpected shift when trusted people in the know suddenly about-face and switch sides.

Overall, an un-put-down-able read! I was glued to the pages (except when I had to turn them). I am anxious for the third installment expected out later this year.

Phillip Tomasso
Author of the scifi horror novel, ABSOLUTE ZERO

Monday, January 11, 2021



 STAR WARS: Alphabet Squadron (Book 1)
Alexander Freed
Del Rey / Disney
416 Pages
June 2019
Fantasy / Scifi

For starters, this book, the first in the Alphabet Squadron series is crossover with the Marvel comic, TIE FIGHTER. In the hardcover edition, the center of the book contains several full-color comic book pages (with amazing illustrations by Roge Antonio). 

I am a huge fan of Alexander Freed. Was first introduced to his writing when I devoured the Star Wars novel, BATTLEFRONT: Twilight Company. So, when I learned he was doing a new series with a whole new cast of characters, I was super-psyched.

Alphabet Squadron does not disappoint! The Empire lost at the battle on Endor. The Death Star has been destroyed. The Emperor is dead. But those loyal to the Empire have not surrendered! Hera Syndulla is putting together a team. Caern Adan is spearheading the campaign. 

The goal is to assemble a team of pilots who can outmaneuver, and destroy the Empire's elite 204th TIE Squadron. The ruthless leader, Colonel Shakara Nuress, of the Starship Destroyer Pursuer dispatches what has become commonly known as Shadow Wing.

The Shadow Wing are known for heartless runs against often defenseless separatists, but also for engaging in battles --and winning them-- against the Rebel Alliance. They are a talented pool of pilots with the seemingly only agenda of decimating their enemy.

Alphabet Squadron is led by Empire defector, Yrica Quill. She flies an X-Wing. The remaining four on the squad are Karios, who wears a face covering helmet, and talks very little (and smells of iron and spice), flies a U-Wing. Wyl Lark, an A-Wing, Nath Tensent (Y-Wing) -- his entire squad was killed by the Shadow Wing. He was the lone survivor. And last, but absolutely not least, is Chass na Chadic (B-Wing).

Quill, partially charged with getting the squad prepared for battle, must also help Adan with figuring out where the 204th are in hiding. Tracking them down in the reaches of the galaxy is an issue. Beating them in a space dog fight is a near impossibility.

The book is explosive with action, wrought with character tension, and nail-bitingly intense as the stories of each of the members of the Alphabet Squadron come into play! Freed has started an amazing series. I love the time frame -- Just after Episode VI. There is a lot of name dropping, mentioning of the Rebel Alliance heroes and legends, such as Jyn Erso from Rogue One (novelization by Alexander Freed).

I hear constant complaints about the newer Star Wars movies, but you know what I rarely hear? Complaints about the books that stem from the universe. If you haven't read Alexander Freed before, Alphabet Squadron might be the perfect place to begin! Or Rogue One. Or Twilight Company . . .

Phillip Tomasso
Author of the scifi horror novel ABSOLUTE ZERO

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Movie Review: PLEDGE


Horror / Thriller
Streaming: Hulu 

"Few Get In. None Get Out."

This movie is like what might happen if Revenge of the Nerds met Friday the 13th. It is Pledge-Week on a college campus. Three friends make their way from one fraternity to the next, certain they will get into one of the Greek frats.What they learn, instead, is that they are annoying, and creepy, and that the people at the houses they visit would rather make fun of them rather than let them pledge.

When a stunningly beautiful young woman invites them to a party, they decide to go. They have more than exhausted the campus opportunities. In a tucked away mansion, the three find themselves in the center of an amazing party. They are surrounded by loud music, hot chicks, and the group of guys running the house have taken a special liking in the trio.

When they come back the next day, they learn they are only 10 members ever in the "club," the three of them are the only pledges being considered. And then ... the hazing begins. The nightmare begins.

Trapped inside the mansion tucked in the middle of nowhere, the three friends realize their dream of joining a fraternity, of acceptance, inclusion -- are rocked to the core as the hazing turns to torture, One problem with escape. There is no way out . . . very little chance of getting away.

For a low budget horror film, the cinematography is top notch. Every single one of the actors does a great job, You can't help but like the three nerds (Byrd, Botello, Weiner), and Aaron Dalla Villa is a pretty cool villain.

The twist at the end, about the pledges, that was the kicker. That was what made a potential 6 Star review into an 8 Star review. In my opinion.

I found myself holding my breath more than once, and a few times, I even cringed and thought about looking away. (I was raised on horror, so looking away is never an option). This thrilling tale is far from perfect (as are most movies, even big budget films), but I really enjoyed this one! Know how I know it was compelling and entertaining? I didn't play with my phone once. (That right there is a good sign).

Phillip Tomasso
Author of the crime novel, YOU CHOOSE



Director: Duncan Skiles 
Writer: Christopher Ford
Staring: Dylan McDermott, Charlie Plummer, Madisen BeatySamantha Mathis 
Thriller / Crime / Drama  
109 mins / November 2018
Streaming: Hulu 

Are you in the mood for a slow-burn thriller, complete with creepiness, skin crawling, hair raising elements? The Clovehitch Killer just might be the movie you have been looking for. It was for me. Calling this film creepy just doesn't cut it. Maybe if I use a capital C? No. Nope. Still doesn't cover it.

Tyler (Plummer / Looking for Alaska) is living what he perceives as a normal teenager life. Tyler likes girls. Driving. And occasionally, sneaking out of the house to meet girls with his dad's truck. He is very involved in Boy-scouts, and his church. As are his parents. In fact his father, Don (McDermott / American Horror Story, The Practice), is the leader for Tyler's troop.

When a girl finds a bondage image ripped from the pages of a smutty magazine in the truck Tyler is driving, she spreads the roomer that Tyler is a pervert. Cindy (Beaty / Once Upon A Time in Hollywood), who hangs around outside the church, is rumored to be something of a little tramp with a fetish for the macabre. 

Tyler turns to Cindy for help, but not just because his reputation is being dragged through the mud, but because he can't shake the realization his father just might be the local serial killer. The two pair up and begin sharing clues and evidence.

As they leave no rock overturned, their search for answers alerts the Clovehitch Killer. Their own investigation has not gone unnoticed. The closer they get, the more desperate the killer becomes.

This is a fantastic film. I have no other way of putting it. Fantastic. Man, was it creepy -- did I already mention that? Somewhere at the beginning of the review? I think I did. Because, you know what? It was creepy!

Ford (Spider-man: Homecoming) carefully plots out the entire story. It is a thorough. He makes sure there are no questions left unanswered. While I found the action a bit surprising, maybe a little disappointing, I got it. I understand why Tyler does what he does, even if I don't agree with . . . how it all turns out.

It all comes down to the acting. Plummer and Beaty are good together. A little sexual tension, and plenty of awkward moments. However, McDermott's performance is absolutely unnerving (and, might I add, creepy?). 

Like I said at the beginning, if you want to kick back and watch a flick that immediately pulls you, twists your stomach into a knot, and doesn't let up until the final credits roll . . . The Clovehitch Killer is what you should be watching!

Phillip Tomasso
Author of the crime novel YOU CHOOSE